Sobre o Curso de Jogos

Nós somos a Fatec Ourinhos, oferecendo graduação tecnológica em jogos digitais. Formamos profissionais capacitados para desenvolver jogos e aplicações, sempre buscando inovação e criatividade em cada projeto.

A group of people are seated in a dimly lit room, facing a large screen displaying a colorful image of a landscape, possibly from a video game. The room has a blue lighting theme and a modern ceiling design. Some individuals are standing and observing near the back and sides of the room. On the left side, there are two people with a setup that includes monitors and a camera.
A group of people are seated in a dimly lit room, facing a large screen displaying a colorful image of a landscape, possibly from a video game. The room has a blue lighting theme and a modern ceiling design. Some individuals are standing and observing near the back and sides of the room. On the left side, there are two people with a setup that includes monitors and a camera.
Conheça nosso time
Nossos alunos em destaque

Através do nosso site, divulgamos os trabalhos criativos dos alunos, mostrando suas habilidades em jogos digitais. Queremos inspirar futuros alunos a se juntarem a nós nessa jornada inovadora.

Nossos Serviços

Oferecemos formação em desenvolvimento de jogos digitais, aplicativos e sistemas gameficados para futuros profissionais.

Desenvolvimento de Jogos

Criamos jogos digitais inovadores, capacitando alunos a desenvolverem suas próprias ideias e projetos criativos.

A workspace featuring a tablet and a laptop on a wooden desk. The tablet displays an online learning platform with various course thumbnails, while the laptop shows a coding environment with a colorful code editor. The setup suggests a focus on learning and coding.
A workspace featuring a tablet and a laptop on a wooden desk. The tablet displays an online learning platform with various course thumbnails, while the laptop shows a coding environment with a colorful code editor. The setup suggests a focus on learning and coding.
Aplicativos Interativos

Ensinamos a criar aplicativos que engajam usuários, utilizando técnicas de gamificação e design envolvente.

Comunicação e Suporte

Oferecemos um canal de comunicação para tirar dúvidas e interagir com nossa equipe e alunos.
A group of people seated in a computer lab, each facing a desktop computer. The monitors display a website with text and colorful graphics. The room is dimly lit, with a presentation projected on a screen in the background. One person is holding a phone, and there are books or notebooks on the desk.
A group of people seated in a computer lab, each facing a desktop computer. The monitors display a website with text and colorful graphics. The room is dimly lit, with a presentation projected on a screen in the background. One person is holding a phone, and there are books or notebooks on the desk.
A flat-screen TV displays a video game interface featuring a character from Mortal Kombat in the center. Beside the TV is a stack of video game cases for the PlayStation 3, including titles like FIFA 14 and Grand Theft Auto. Below the TV, there is a gaming console, controllers, and other gaming equipment.
A flat-screen TV displays a video game interface featuring a character from Mortal Kombat in the center. Beside the TV is a stack of video game cases for the PlayStation 3, including titles like FIFA 14 and Grand Theft Auto. Below the TV, there is a gaming console, controllers, and other gaming equipment.